- Application form (Annexure B) is attached herewith. Parents are advised to read and understand the prospectus and go through it carefully before filling the form.
- Proof of qualification etc. Must be attached in triplicate with application form, duly attested by competent authority. (Principal of the Institution candidate has passed his/her last examination). or a Gazetted Officer.
- Three passport size photographs of the candidate are required. One photo to be pasted on the application form on the space provided for and the other for identity card and scholar Register.
- Incomplete a application forms will be rejected.
- The selection Committee reserves the right to reject any application without assigning any reason thereof.
- The list to the selected candidates will be notified on the notice board of the Institution in a week’s time after the interview and candidates shall collect the information from the final list put on the office Notice Board.
- Any type of approach or recommendation for admission or for any other facility with staff or with selection Committee members shall be treated as a disqualification of the candidate.